SRQ Acupuncture Sarasota
Kangen enagic

Get Excited to improve your health
The Freedom Era

Kangen Water

Ukon™ (wild turmeric) has been recognized for centuries as a natural healer. It has been known since the era of the Ryukyu Dynasty as a strong antioxidant, and India’s ancient medicine (Ayurveda) has used turmeric as an analgesic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and antioxidant for over 6,000 years.

Anespa Dx
Reduce Consumption, Eliminate Toxins And Live Healthier – Go Green & Order Yours Today! Turn Your Bathroom into a Natural Hot Spring Resort with Healthy Ionized Mineral Water. User-Friendly. Models For Any Budget. Free Gift With Your Order. Eco-Friendly. ISO Certified.
Dr Hynes Personal Story
I was at a physical low. I had 4 kids in 5 years. I nursed the first 3 for 18 months and the last one for 2 years. No matter how strong one is physically, it still takes a lot Jing (life essence) to do even just that. I was becoming depleted. But nonetheless I persevered and stayed fit, engaged, active and happy. After all, one of my life long dreams had come true, being a mama to some amazing little people.
10 days after learning we were pregnant with our third, (in 2011) my dad unexpectedly passed away and I was crushed. It brought up feelings I never knew I had… feelings that a pillar in my life was gone, unjust and a deep sadness. I feel his presence often. But this was too a contributing factor to my slowly growing stress.
A couple years passed ….
After already having dealt with a seemingly impossible laundry list of allergies, intolerance and sensitivities, our third daughter’s eczema became so bad, she and I were both in agony. Thankfully with my background as a holistic practitioner, Ii was able to keep her nourished and healthy, aside from her skin, but we were both up all night, every night as she itched endlessly in agony I held her, sang to her, held ice packs to help relieve the itch that seemed to never end. I was getting less than two hours of sleep each night and still being forced to operate at full speed with 4 small kids all day, and two being energetic beings who never napped. It turned my world inside out, doing all I could do to help her, but my baby was still never able to catch a break. I was being depleted at an exponential speed. And it became the perfect storm that led me spiraling back into my autoimmune patterns. I have always been into health and healing and had been able to keep all symptoms at by for over 20 years. But now they were all flooding back in.
That’s when I found Enagic. As a holistic health care professional I was exposed to so many products promoting health and wellbeing. I did my research and decided to give the Kangen water machine and the Anespa a try. What did we have to lose? We are so grateful it is now a part of our lives. For over four decades, Japan-based Enagic International has been the leading manufacturer of alkaline ionizers and water filtration machines in the world.