Contact us at: 941.539.5004. | Located at: 3260 Fruitville Rd. Unit A Sarasota FL 34237

Acupuncture Sarasota

N.E.A.T Guideline Reference

The instructions below are to be followed AFTER each particular treatment.  There are no dietary  restrictions BEFORE the treatments.

The following is a list of items related to the specific allergen treated. The avoidance period is 25 hours after treatment, unless otherwise indicated by Dr. Hynes. Please prepare your home, and your meals prior to your treatment, as a successful treatment depends on the avoidance of the allergen.

1. EGG MIX: (egg yolk, egg white, chicken, tetracycline, feathers)

YOU MAY NOT EAT OR TOUCH: egg white, egg yolk, chicken, tetracycline and all foods containing egg or chicken including crackers, cookies, soups, breads, mayonnaise, salad dressings, cakes, pastries, pies, pancakes, foods baked or fried in egg batter and thick sauces. Also avoid birds, feather pillows, comforters, vitamins and protein drinks made with egg, shampoos, conditioners and skin lotions with egg products.

YOU MAY EAT: brown or white rice, pasta without eggs, vegetables, fruits, milk products, oils, beef, pork, fish, coffee, juice, soft drinks, water and tea.

2. Milk/CALCIUM MIX: (Calcium-Carbonate, Calcium-Gluconate, Calcium-Ascorbate, Cow’s milk, goat’s milk, milk casein, milk-albumin).

YOU MAY NOT EAT OR TOUCH: milk or milk products, eggs, chicken, uncooked vegetables, dark leafy vegetables like lettuce, cabbage, dandelion greens, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, sesame seeds, oats, navy beans, cheese, soybeans, almonds, dried beans, walnuts, fish, peanuts, and sunflower seeds, calcium supplements, figs, papaya, berries, rhubarb, tomatoes, prunes

YOU MAY EAT: cooked rice, pasta, cooked vegetables (potato, corn, yams, cauliflower, sweet potato, green pepper, mushrooms), red meat, olive oil, peaches, nectarines, and coffee and tea without milk. Contact with calcium- free (distilled) water only. Any food without calcium derivatives.

3. VITAMIN C MIX (ascorbic acid, oxalic acid, citrus mix, berry mix, fruit mix, vegetable mix, vinegar mix, chlorophyll, hesparin, rutin, bioflavonoids)

YOU MAY NOT EAT OR TOUCH fresh or dried fruits, vegetables (except well cooked peeled potatoes: ie: french fries, boiled or baked white potatoes), fruit or vegetable juices, soda, milk and milk products, artificial sweeteners, vitamin C supplements, ketchup and other sauces. Avoid spending time outside.

YOU MAY EAT: rice, pasta, quinoa, eggs, chicken, turkey, fish, meats, toasted bread, peeled potatoes, fried foods, nuts, beans, tofu, peanut and nut butters, sugar, salt, oils, coffee, water.

4. B COMPLEX: (Bl, 2,3,4,5,6,12,13,15,17, paba, inositol, choline, biotin, folic acid).

YOU MAY NOT EAT OR TOUCH: whole grain products, fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy products, eggs,
anything with B vitamins.

YOU MAY EAT: cooked white rice, cooked white pasta, cauliflower raw or cooked, well cooked or deep fried fish, salt, white sugar, black coffee, French fries (purified water while treating for any of the B vitamins). Rice should be washed well before cooking. Then, cook rice or pasta with lots of water and drain the water after cooking the rice (pasta) to remove the fortified vitamins. You may refer to the following individual B vitamins for more information.

5. SUGAR MIX: (cane sugar, beet sugar, brown sugar, corn sugar, rice sugar, maple sugar, molasses, honey, fruit sugar, sucrose,glucose, dextrose, maltose, lactose, date sugar, grape sugar).

YOU MAY NOT EAT OR TOUCH: anything with any of the above sugars, sauces, drinks with sugar. Do not use powdered spices in pre-packed containers, tooth paste and mouth washing liquids.

YOU MAY EAT: white rice, pasta, vegetables, vegetable oils, meats, eggs, chicken, water, coffee, tea without milk.

6. IRON MIX: (ferrous sulfate, ferrous gluconate, beef, pork, lamb, gelatin).

YOU MAY NOT EAT OR TOUCH: apricots, apples, peaches, pears, banana, cherries, dates, prunes, raisins, brewer’s yeast, whole grain cereals, black molasses, turnip greens, broccoli, Brussels sprout, spinach, beet tops, alfalfa, beets, sunflower seeds, walnuts, almonds, sesame seeds, whole rye, dry beans, lentils, kelp, egg yolk, liver, red meat, pork liver, beef, organ meats like kidney, heart and liver, farina, raw clams, oysters, nuts, asparagus, coffee, chocolate, salt, nor iron supplements

YOU MAY EAT: white rice without iron fortification, sour dough bread without iron, cauliflower, potato, chicken, light green vegetables (celery, watercress, radishes, onions, shallots), butter, water and orange juice.

7. VITAMIN A MIX: FISH, SHELL FISH MIX (beta carotene, vitamin A, fish, shellfish sources).

YOU MAY NOT EAT, USE OR TOUCH: yellow fruits, yellow vegetables, green fruits, green vegetables, green peppers, orange vegetables (squash, carrots, sweet potatoes), fish or fish products, milk products and corn products; skin lotions.

YOU MAY EAT: steamed rice, pasta, potato, canned cream of mushroom soup (Campbell’s with water), cauliflower, red apples, chicken, water and coffee.

8. MINERAL MIX: (trace minerals like antimony, barium, boron, beryllium, bromide, caesium, chlorine, chromium, cobalt, copper, europium, fluorine, gallium, germanium, gold, iodine, lithium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, palladium, rubidium, samarium, scandium, silver, strontium, thallium, thorium, tin, titanium, tungsten, uranium, zinc, zirconium, chromium, lead, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sulfur, vanadium, mercury).

YOU MAY NOT USE OR TOUCH: metals, tap water, mineral water, root vegetables like onion, potato, carrots and turnips. Wear gloves while touching metal surfaces. Metal buttons on clothes, shoes, hand bags, wedding rings or religious rings etc. can be covered with masking tape. Use plastic and glass utensils to cook and eat. Use a pair of gloves during 25 hour period to avoid touching metals.

YOU MAY USE: distilled water for washing and showering, steamed rice, vegetables, fruits, meats, eggs, milk, coffee and tea.

9. SALT MIX / CHLORIDES: (sea salt, table salt, rock salt, sodium and chloride).

YOU MAY NOT USE OR TOUCH: kelp, celery, romaine lettuce, watermelon, sea food, processed foods with salts, fast foods, table salts, fish, shell fish, carrots, beets, artichoke, dried beef, brains, kidney, cured meats, bacon, ham, coffee, watercress, sea weed, oats, avocado, Swiss chard, tomatoes, cabbage, cucumber, asparagus, pineapple, tap water, and prepared, canned or frozen foods.

YOU MAY USE: distilled water to drink and bathe, steamed rice, fresh vegetables and fruits not listed above, chicken, meats and sugars.

10. GRAIN MIX: (wheat, corn, rice, oats, rye, millet, barley).

YOU MAY NOT USE: grains and items made from above grains.

YOU MAY EAT: vegetables, fruits, meats, milk and drink water.

11. YEAST MIX / CANDIDA: (Baker’s Yeast, Brewer’s Yeast, Tortula Yeast, candida albicans).

AVOID: Brewer’s yeast, bakers yeast, and any foods containing these items including baked goods, sugars, fruits, soy sauce, soy milk, and alcoholic beverages.

YOU MAY EAT vegetables, meat, chicken and fish.

12. BASE: (Digestive juices and enzymes from intestinal tracts).

AVOID : Raw and cookedG vegetables, beans, eggs, and milk.

YOU MAY EAT sugars, starches, breads and meats.


AVOID : Sugar, starches, fruits, grains, meats, other acid forming foods, coffee.

YOU MAY EAT raw and steamed vegetables, cooked dried beans, eggs, oils, clarified butter, and milk.


AVOID: Red meat, Dairy and hormone supplements.

15. ORGAN MIX – no avoidance necessary. You may be recommended to do your gate points.

16. VITAMIN K: (phytomemadione, phytonadione, phylloquinone, and menadione)

YOU MAY NOT EAET OR USE: kelp (NO SUSHI), algae, kiwi, all vegetables (except potato and cauliflower), all beans, soy beans, all oils, eggs, margarine, all nuts, all herbs and liver. 

YOU MAY EAT OR USE: fruit, (except kiwi), potato , cauliflower, poultry, meat, tomato, tomato sauce (with no herbs, onions, olive oil, or garlic), pretzels, dairy, yogurt, pasta, all grains, breads, black tea, green tea, decaf coffee and black pepper. 


YOU MAY NOT EAT OR USE: any food or beverage that is warm or hot. Do not walk in the heat. 

YOU MAY EAT OR USE:  Eat and drink cold food and beverages. Use things at room temperature. Stay indoors with air-conditioning or fan.


We look forward to treating you.

Schedule your appointment with Dr. Angie Hynes today!