Acupuncture Sarasota
Weight loss Programs
We offer several weight loss programs in our Sarasota office. The featured weight loss program is on of our favorites because you eat good food and it can in fact improve your health and set you up for good and healthy lifestyle change. Feel free to contact our office if you wish to discuss this or any of our other weight loss methods

Turn to Natural Support.
Patients lose weight faster, more easily and don’t have to take bars, shakes and pills. People eat real whole foods, and feel better than they normally do, as their body is bio-chemically set to burn belly fat not muscle mass. In this way, they can attain their goal weight without feeling hungry or having cravings, as they typically lose between 18-22 pounds every 5 weeks.
learn correct food habits
The program is very structured and simple to follow which means you will not have to keep calling with questions. For those who like to have accountability, you can come in for a weekly appointment to be weighed and measured, and have any needed discussion. Otherwise, you will come back when you are within 5 pounds of your goal weight to be placed on a well-balanced maintenance program. I will also be able to pinpoint the main food allergies or sensitivities you may have, and show you how to eat everything to keep your weight off for Lifetime success. This is critical, as maintaining a healthy body composition is perhaps one of the most important steps you can take to be preventative and wellness oriented with your health. The cost is a function of how much weight you want to lose; however it is very affordable as people save between 30-50% of what they typically spend on food. This could mean just the food savings alone could cover the cost of the kit. To get started, call my office and tell them you want to see me for the TRANSFORMATIONS program. They will email you a questionnaire to complete and schedule your visit. Once at the office we will do a body comp test, weigh and measure you and provide instructions on how the program works. You will leave with the kit, and start immediately with foods already in your kitchen. If you are ready to lose belly fat, look younger, learn how to NEVER become a diabetic, and feel better than you have in years, call the office ASAP.
How it Works
You start by completing a 4-page questionnaire that looks at 15 health conditions based on your symptoms. This questionnaire can be done online or hard copy and will establish your own personal WICO™ Score. You then go onto a dietary program that bio-chemically sets your body to use your excess abdominal fat for fuel. You will typically feel better than normal, while on the program, with heightened energy and mental state, while having NO hunger or cravings.
Three meals are taken every day where whole foods (no process, packaged, frozen or canned foods) are eaten with a protein and good carbohydrate at each meal. The food list includes all the proteins including eggs, cheese and tofu, and all the vegetables except for starchy ones like corn and potato. A choice of lower glycemic fruits can be consumed for dessert.
In between meals, a beverage drink is consumed to replace any cravings and ensure balanced blood sugar, while providing the body with all the key nutrients (amino acids, minerals and vitamins), that are needed in a very bio-available manner. This is not a meal replacement or a shake, but just 2-3 ounces of water, mixed with 10 grams of a protein powder that is delicious that comes in different flavors. This is consumed twice in the morning and twice in the afternoon.
Once within 5 pounds of goal weight, the same WICO™ Score Questionnaire is repeated. The changes on the results of these two questionnaires allows a specially trained healthcare practitioner to pinpoint your nutritional deficiencies needing correction, the likelihood of any food allergies/sensitivities you may have and chronic conditions that will take more than lifestyle and nutrition to correct. In this way the root cause of your symptoms can be pinpointed so that recommended therapies are long lasting and sustainable.
We look forward to treating you.
Schedule your appointment with Dr. Angie Hynes today!